Monday, December 21, 2009

James Cameron Retrospective in Retrospect

So I'm finished with my James Cameron retrospective and I finished it rather quickly thanks to owning over half of his films. I wasn't surprised by any of my reactions to these films, but it's some of the most fun I've had on this blog. I plan to finish up my Star Trek retrospective before the new year and say goodbye to something I've been taking slow because, despite my negative reaction to most of them, I've sort of loved watching them. I'm pretty sure I want to do a Kevin Smith retrospective next and maybe a John Hughes one after that, but any suggestions are more than welcome.

This post is my homebase for the James Cameron retrospective, which is now finished and can be put on the shelf, but not without a table of contents.

1. The Terminator - 11/10
2. Aliens - 10/10
3. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - 10/10
4. Avatar - 9/10
5. The Abyss - 9/10
6. True Lies - 8/10
7. Titanic - 5/10
8. Piranha II: The Spawning - stupid/10

And that's it. Just make sure it doesn't get dusty.


NFB said...

Off topic, but wow! It's splitsville for Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon.

Oliver said...

How any man could divorce from Susan Sarandon's boobs is beyond me.

NFB said...

Yeah, it is a dome scratcher t be sure.