Friday, March 5, 2010


I'm twenty today, which is okay. I don't have any sort of attachment to being a teenager, but I am attached to the curve upon which you're graded simply for being a teenager. This blog is going to be much less impressive when it's run by some guy in his twenties rather than a fresh-faced and optimistic teenager.

There are small things that will have to change about me now. As the title suggests, quotations from The Office are going to be a satisfactory replacement for a real sense of humor, I can no longer smoke clove cigarettes, I have to start looking for someone to marry or at least pretend to look until I get a chick pregnant and I have to discover a philosopher, change my lifestyle drastically and then give up when I can't maintain the changes after four months or so. As a placeholder until I find some really awesome Assyrian philosophies, I'll invite you all to celebrate my birthday. We'll meet in the catacombs beneath Paris, I'll encourage a dress code of black robes and solemn stares, I'll serve loaves of bread with candelabras stuffed into them and I'll fill a pail with water which we can take turns drinking out of.

The only thing I think I'll really miss about being a teenager is the lax expectations. As I said before, having an occasionally interesting thought is far more important when you're less than twenty years out of the womb. I'm going to be expected to do something really interesting or be looked upon as a failure, so suggestions are welcome.


Edward Alan Bartholomew said...

Yeah, I pretty much peaked when I was 7. I used to be a prodigy and now I'm just slightly better than average.

Oliver said...

Me too. Everyone thought I was going to turn out to be a genius and I turned out pretty mediocre.

Cassandra-Leo said...

I think it's exactly because people expected us to be such geniuses that we all turned out to be such slackers. I've seen a lot of research that suggests that praising people for their intelligence rather than their effort simply encourages them to be lazy.

Oliver said...

I actually had an IQ test when I was nine where I scored 149. I took the same test at sixteen and scored 128. How does that happen?

Charles said...

Yeah, I'm 20 and a half now and I haven't done any of this stuff. I look forward to your Office quotes though, as nobody in this country seems to like it.

Also, Dexter said that EQ is a much better test of how successful you'll be, as opposed to IQ tests.