Sunday, August 9, 2009

Because I'm poor and live in the middle of nowhere

I won't be seeing 500 Days of Summer until next week, at which point it would be completely useless for me to review it because everyone on the fucking planet will have seen it already. That won't stop me from reviewing it (probably), because I have a will of iron and I, like most critics, won't let something like irrelevance keep me from writing 10,000 word diatribes on formalisms that I am probably misunderstanding and that the average viewer (or pier of mine who I've forced to read this) will give a bean about *.

While we patiently await my shallow, pedantic review, let's ease the suffering of the stab wound I've likely inflicted to get you to read this with a video that was recently brought to my attention.

This video was brought to my attention this morning, and I have been watching it over and over again. Mostly because the stimulating effect of a video will keep me from falling asleep, where I'll only have more fever-dreams about the Dutch. But this video rules; who knew Joseph Gordon-Levitt could dance like that? He's like an angel.

A clogging angel.

[photo not found]

And this is topical because I just reviewed G.I. Joe and need to cleanse my pallet.

* I just made that up. Is that cool?


NFB said...

I won't have seen it. I dunno. Despite all the raves it is getting the premise just doesn't interest me, although after plunging free fall into depression over "GI Joe's" $56 million opening weekend who knows what I am capable of.

Oliver said...

As awful as it was, I can't bring myself to hate GI Joe. It's like the retarded kid everyone gives a free pass because he's retarded.

KP said...

Can I see that movie too?!?!?

Oliver said...

Want to drive me to Indianapolis?