Monday, August 24, 2009

Inception Teaser

For those of you who haven't seen it, get out. For those of you who have seen it, here it is again.

Yeah, that's right. Holy shit. That's the right reaction. I would have also accepted you tearing out all your hair.

Christopher Nolan is the heir apparent to Steven Spielberg, not because their films or sensibilities are really all that similar, but because Nolan is in a position to push the limits and stretch the boundaries of the modern blockbuster. He smashed our preconceived notions about what a blockbuster can be with The Dark Knight and he is poised to do it again. And my god does this man know how to wind up the geeks. The whole production of this film has been a performance piece, and it's been bloody Shakespearean. Part of me doesn't WANT to hear a plot description because this clandestine trailer is way more fun. I had a similar reaction to the first Dark Knight teaser two years ago.

Critics whine and complain that we're in a dead age of modern filmmaking, and to that I say bullshit. I submit that critics refuse to look at blockbusters because that's where the populist films of the past have been. The filmmakers of today grew up on Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars, not the classic westerns and comedies of yesteryear. That's not to diminish their greatness, but today's young filmmakers WANT to be making blockbusters. They want to apply their gifts to the kinds films they love, and I submit that the blockbuster is the purest form of cinema. When I go to a film and am taken to a strange world or I'm shown things that I could never see or conjure on my own, I get this insane rush of excitement, high on the possibilities that film offers and that smart, ingenious young filmmakers like Nolan can get $200 million for an art film of singular vision.

God save Christopher Nolan.


Claire said...

Tooooo bad heath "DEADGER" won't be in this one!

Oliver said...

I'm still holding out that they faked the whole thing and they'll put the third Batman film into production under a similar shroud of mystery and we all go into the theater on opening night and there's fucking Heath Ledger playing the Joker.