Thursday, October 1, 2009

Carnival of Pretties

I was watching a video about the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy this morning. After today's events I'm quite concerned that we may have entered that black hole and emerged in some parallel universe.

How do I know? Because horror film trailers look fucking gorgeous.

I always thought to qualify as a horror film you had to shoot your film with a used garbage bag fixed on the lens and cast people you find outside the YMCA.

Both of these films look very good, despite the further use of things like "jump scares", which I thought horror films would eventually move away from, or at least get classy about (Drag Me to Hell, Signs). But one step at a time, I suppose. That the average horror film actually looks like care was put into every shot is more than my ski mask-clad heart can take.

Historically I've never had much interest in horror films. So few of them are scary in any way. Listening to horror enthusiasts talk about their favorite films is to listen to gorehounds talk about their favorite kills. None of it's scary, it's about CHEAP THRILLS AND COOL KILLS.

Maybe I'm just imagining this whole thing. Perhaps my sanity has finally slipped beyond what is manageable and my appreciation for cinematography was lost along with my ability to chew. Or maybe tomorrow we'll wake up and all have carrots for hands and juicers will become the dominant species. That'd make a good horror film. Why don't I write these things down?

1 comment:

Edward Alan Bartholomew said...

I agree completely about horror movies and their lack of horror. Lately we've seen some stars trying out horror movies, which is an exciting idea. Too bad it took way too many crappy movies and terrible actors for the talent to find the horror waters safe enough to tread.