Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Mindscape of Michael Bay

Behold, cinema's whipping boy, Michael Bay. Everyone who pretends they know anything about film likes to slag the poor old billionaire creepmaster. They all note that he sacrifices story for explosions, and character development for bullet-ridden characters. Due to some unfortunate setbacks in my Star Trek marathon and my sudden acquisition of a copy of Bad Boys, I'll be pushing my adventure through the architecture of Michael Bay's brain ahead a few weeks.

During this probably ill-advised quest into the unknown, I'll be watching every single Michael Bay film in order:

- Bad Boys
- The Rock
- Armageddon
- Pearl Harbor
- Bad Boys II
- The Island
- Transformers

Does Michael Bay deserve his astoundingly negative reputation among film scholars and the completely separate, yet often overlapping, group of intellectually vapid 20-somethings? Does he deserve his legacy as a sure-fire box office success? If not, does he deserve any legacy, and if so, what should it be?

Join me in what is sure to be an unbearable ride through hell as I try to answer some of these questions that honestly don't need answering.


NFB said...


NFB said...


Make that:


Oliver said...

Opps. I will regret this so fast.

Devin D said...

I'm scared.