Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Technology has Failed Me

Fuck you, too, Netflix.


Unknown said...

LoL. Ya I hate it when I can't get into netflix when they're updating their site. "The technology failed me", lol,reminds me of a scene from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Do you watch it? It's a funny show.

Oliver said...

That's exactly where that came from.

And It's Always Sunny is terribly hit-and-miss. Basically it hits when they tell all the actors that aren't Charlie Day to go away. Also, every "high concept" episode sucks.

Unknown said...

I agree that Charlie Day is the funiest on the show, but i have to disagree with the rest, respectively of course.

I think the entire gang is really funny, and I happen to think they click very well together. I love how horrible they are to eachother and all the awful shit they do. I guess I just love this type of parody, offensive, and just idiotic humor.

Oliver said...

No, I agree with you. All the actors are good and they have great chemistry, but Charlie Day tends to upstage them completely. The fourth season was so hit-or-miss, though. Like the one where they went back to the 1700's was awful. But things like The Nightman Cometh were amazing.

Unknown said...

Ya, you know the fisrt three seasons were great. Its hard to find an episode that wasnt funny, but you're right about the fourth season, it was bad. With the exception of the first three episodes and the Nightman Cometh which was just halarious.

Oh and I actually found The Liberty Bell episode to be of the funiest of the season, behid the ones I just mentioned.